Mercia CC Lloyds Cycles Bulletin 12/11/22
Good morning everybody.
The winter approaches but so far it has been quite kind to us.
Now is the time to plan for next season..
The club will hold an AGM on December 6th at the Henhurst Club at 8pm. Officials for 2023 will be elected at this meeting and all are welcome. This is the opportunity for any member willing to help guide the club through the coming years to offer their services. During November I will be dealing with the affiliations to British Cycling and Cycling Timetrials and by the end of December a programme of proposed club evening time trials has to be submitted. I have had two suggestions for changes to the evening events for 2023, move to another night rather than all on Tuesdays and move the start back to 7.30 for the mid season events. These ideas can be discussed on the 6th. Our events are on Tuesdays simply because they always have been!
We have lost two members this year and a suggestion has been made that a mobile defribulater could be a valuable asset at club events. A volunteer has come forward to promote some fund-raising events to facilitate the purchase of the machine. To consider this a meeting has been arranged for 8pm on Tuesday 15th November at the Henhurst Club. The proposed purchase and the practicalities of the ownership can be considered, and your input would be appreciated.
I look forward to seeing you on both evenings, your input is valuable for the Clubs future.
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