Mercia CC Lloyds Cycles Bulletin 22/08/22

Good morning,
The club time trial season is coming to its close.
For any riders still keen there will be an event at Anslow tomorrow and next Tuesday at 7pm. It should be possible to run a 10 mile event on both evenings if it is not too cloudy and dark. A 5 mile option will be available on both evenings.
The 25 mile club championship will be at Sudbury on September 4th starting at 9am. I will be able to offer times at 5 and 10 miles if anyone would like to try the potentially faster course at these distances.
The 25 will be 5 circuits of the road to Doveridge and back , after the 5th lap carry on over the island towards Sudbury slightly past the start point. Anyone wanting to ride 5 miles carry on past the island towards Sudbury at the end of the first lap and for 10 miles do this at the end of the second lap.
The final event is the Hillclimb which is at Marchington Woodlands at 11am October 2nd.
The numbers of riders at timetrials both at club level and at open events has been much lower this year than that before the lock down throughout the country. Although our numbers have been disappointing we are not alone with the issue.
I propose to run a similar programme next year as I need to submit dates shortly but to avoid problems with roadworks I shall be issuing the police notices for both the Anslow and the Sudbury courses on the same night so that at least one should be available each week.
I would suggest that the club then gives consideration to what should be arranged for 2024 considering the support that is achieved next year.
Regards everybody
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